Sara Doherty

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCO)

What I love about my job:

I love spending time with our young people and their families, working with each of them to make sure that Beech Lodge is the right place for them. I love that no matter how much is the same, every day has something new and feel that working with this wonderful group of young people and staff is an absolute privilege.

Who or what inspires me:

Firstly, my family and extended family; I could not do what I do without their support and love and I want to make a difference for the futures of my 4 children.

And the teachers that I have met along the way, both as a student and as a teacher myself, who have instilled my love of education and made me want to be a better teacher.

Little known fact about me:

I am a classically trained singer.

I have been in several bands including a jazz 4 piece and a rock and pop covers band. We were all teachers and used to gig at weekends.

I once played an elephant (complete with trunk) on stage in “Just So” the musical; and a bearded lady in “Sideshow”!




Sara Doherty