Stefanie Pearce MA BSc(Hons) PGCE

Phase Lead

What I love about my job:

It’s quite hard to articulate as I feel blessed to be doing my job. The variety, the unexpected, the chaos, the joy, the tears and last, but not least, the unique, inspiring children!

Who or what inspires me:

It goes without saying that my daughter is a total inspiration. However, music also inspires me. It motivated me to continue on my walk up Ben Nevis (see below) when I was wilting in the heat. Mr Blue Sky (very apt) came on and my whole outlook changed. I had a renewed sense of purpose and hope!

Little known fact about me:

That in my 50th year, in nearly 90 degrees heat, I walked up Ben Nevis with my much younger (and fitter!) cousins. It was an incredible experience that had me weeping in my shandy when I finally made it down!



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